Saturday, December 3, 2005

Craft Show Fundraiser

Today, my mom and I did a craft show to raise money for the adoption. I had made little snowman ornaments out of lightbulbs - they were really cute - and I was also selling an adoption cookbook that had been put together by adoptive families fundraising.

The craft fair was at an elementary school in Skokie. It wasn't a teriffic success, but it was an interesting experience. First off, I wished right away that I would have brought a table cloth - most everyone else had one - I didn't even think of it. We sold two ornaments and two cookbooks almost right away, but then went for about three or four hours without selling a thing. Lots of people came around and talked to us about the adoption, but no one actually bought. It was a bit disheartening. But then, in the last 45 minutes or so, we suddenly started selling a lot. In the end, we sold 9 snowmen and 8 cookbooks. So, we did end up making some money even though it wasn't much. Hopefully we'll find a way to sell some more of the cookbooks - I don't think I'll be able to sell anymore ornaments, though. Oh well.

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